The Role of Sustainable Development Management in Enhancing the Social Responsibility for Organizations: The Mediating Role of Administrative Awareness


  • Salama Nawafah Al-Balqa Applied University
  • Ahmad Al-Amayra Mosaic Conservation Institute



Sustainable Development, Social Responsibility, Strategic Planning, Stakeholder Engagement, Governance, Ethical Standards, Environmental Sustainability


This study aimed to identify the role of development management in its dimensions (Strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, governance and ethical standards, environmental sustainability, employee engagement and development) in enhancing the social responsibility of organizations by focusing on the mediating role of administrative awareness.

      The study sample consisted of (319) employees of the Institutional Development Department or the Department of Development Projects in non-profit organizations in Jordan.

 The study applied a descriptive analytical approach by distributing a questionnaire to the individuals in the sample and employing the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences to analyze the primary data collected. The results of the study found that management awareness mediates the relationship between sustainable development management in its dimensions and social responsibility. The study recommended determining specific goals, objectives, and performance indicators that reflect the desired results from integrating development management, social responsibility, and administrative awareness.



How to Cite

Nawafah, S., & Al-Amayra, A. (2024). The Role of Sustainable Development Management in Enhancing the Social Responsibility for Organizations: The Mediating Role of Administrative Awareness. Business Series, 3(1), 87–119.


