The Reality of E-Learning in Teaching Arabic language Course (1) at Al al-Bayt University from the Students' Point of View


  • Waleed Alhaj Al al-Bayt University



E-Learning, Arabic Language Course (1), Al al-Bayt University


The study aimed to identify the reality of e-learning in teaching Arabic Language Course (1) at Al al-Bayt University from the students’ point of view. The descriptive analytical - statistical method was used, and the study sample consisted of (303) students at Al al-Bayt University, and a questionnaire was distributed to them,  and their answers were  analyzed  by using the statistical analysis program (SPSS22).The study reached a set of results, the most important of which are: the presence of a high degree of technical competencies, and a medium degree of Arabic language competencies among university students, in addition to the absence of statistically significant differences in the estimates of the sample members about the reality of e-learning in teaching the Arabic language course (1) at Al al-Bayt University from the students’ point of view, attributed to two variables (gender and school year). The study as well showed that  there are statistically significant differences in the estimates of the sample members about the reality of e-learning in teaching the Arabic language course (1) at Al al-Bayt University from the students’ point of view due to the variable of college.




Author Biography

Waleed Alhaj, Al al-Bayt University




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How to Cite

Alhaj, W. (2023). The Reality of E-Learning in Teaching Arabic language Course (1) at Al al-Bayt University from the Students’ Point of View. Arts and Social Sciences Series, 2(1), 37–65.


