The Effect of an Educational Program by Using Assistive Devices on Improving the Performance Level of Crawl Stroke Swimming among Female Students of the Faculty of Physical Education


  • Mohammad Maqableh Yarmouk University
  • Hassan Alwidyan Yarmouk University
  • Walaa Aljawlan Yarmouk University



Educational Program, Assisstive Devices, Front Crawl Stroke Swimming, Faculty of Physical Education


The study aimed to identify the effect of an educational program using assistive devices on improving the performance of crawl stroke swimming among female students of the Faculty of Physical Education. The researchers used the experimentl method by using the pre- and post- tests. The sample of the study consisted of 12 students who enrolled in Learning Swimming Course in the Faculty of Physical Education at Yarmouk University. The sample of the study was chosen in an intentional way, and the educational program consisted of (8) weeks with a rate of (3) units per week, with a period of (60) minutes. The study variables were measured through the speed test, the periodic respiratory endurance test, the test of the movements of the arms and the feet, and the performance of swimming 25 meters crawling stroke. In the statistical treatment, the researcher used the arithmetic means, standard deviations, and the t-test for the related samples. . The results showed that there were statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α ≤ 0.05) between the pre-and post-measurements of the experimental group members in the tests: speed test, periodic respiratory endurance test, arm and foot movements test, and 25m swimming performance crawling stroke, among the sample of the study and in favor of post test.


Author Biographies

Mohammad Maqableh, Yarmouk University



Hassan Alwidyan, Yarmouk University



Walaa Aljawlan, Yarmouk University





How to Cite

Maqableh, M., Alwidyan, H., & Aljawlan, W. (2023). The Effect of an Educational Program by Using Assistive Devices on Improving the Performance Level of Crawl Stroke Swimming among Female Students of the Faculty of Physical Education. Educational and Psychological Sciences Series, 2(1), 67–93.


