The Poetics of Writing in Adonis’ “Ams al-Makan al-An”


  • Abed Elrahim Marashdeh Ajloun University
  • Abdelbaset Marashdeh Al al-Bayt University



The Poetics of Writing, The Book, The Visual Demarcations, The Parallel Text


This study seeks to examine the ongoing modernization movement in the Arabic contemporary poem, in terms of its form and content where Adonis, the poet and the critic, pursued the growing movement to personalize experimental visions that he sees possible in order to achieve his ambition in reaching to writing a temporal text for literary genres regarding time and place. This was achieved by introducing new elements into the structure of the Arabic poem. Here, Adonis utilized the theory about the literary genres and their relation with the creative text. Accordingly, he succeeded in bringing together verse and prose besides making advantage of the visual aspect of the text as well as the modern written demarcation, that’s why he sought to follow the intentional demarcation of speech in the space of the paper. Adonis was not satisfied with that, he also tried to lean on intertextuality, given its importance in integrating historical readable, intellectual and philosophical texts…etc with the original text in order to deepen the internal structure of the achieved text and open new readable horizon that is different and precious to realize visions and indications that contribute in analyzing the text to make it open for multiple readings. This new effort shows Adonis’ ongoing modernization movement and maintains specially for the Arabic literary texts, since this approach emphasizes the his empirical ongoing approach as his first project in his thesis, titled “The Changing and the Unchanging- a Research in the Followers and Creativity among the Arabs” This aspect may contribute in new innovative additions to the writing of the Arabic poem as well as to the school of criticism which is concerned about such type of poetic writing.



How to Cite

Marashdeh, A. E., & Marashdeh, A. (2023). The Poetics of Writing in Adonis’ “Ams al-Makan al-An”. Arts and Social Sciences Series, 2(3), 169–196.


