The Jordanian-Turkish Relations (1999-2022)


  • Khaled Daham Jordan University
  • Mohammed Masalha Jordan University



International Relations, Foreign Policy, Jordan, The Middle East


This study aims to know the general features of the form and nature of the Jordanian-Turkish relations from 1999 to 2022, and to analyze the nature of these relations, and the extent of the effect of the political and security developments that the Middle East region is going through, specifically the Palestinian issue and the Syrian crisis on the form and nature of these relations, especially after king Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein assumed his constitutional powers in 1999. The study used the decision-making approach to reach a realistic understanding of the decision-making process in both countries, and to analyze the factors influencing it, and the national interest approach to understand the relations between the two countries accurately and correctly, given that the national interest is the ultimate goal and the main driving force for the foreign policy of both countries. The study concluded that the Jordanian-Turkish relations were not recent, and they witnessed many stages and developments that affected the nature of those relations, and that the two countries are keen to establish good relations based on their common interests, and that the recent political challenges in the region played a major role in the development of relations between the two countries, and that the economic aspect has a major role in the process of rapprochement and cooperation between the two countries, which has positively affected various fields.


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How to Cite

Daham, K., & Masalha , M. (2023). The Jordanian-Turkish Relations (1999-2022). Political Sciences and Law Series, 2(2), 105–141.


