The Structure of the Argumentative Discourse in Khalil Al-Sakakini's Letters to his Son (Sirri)


  • Hanan Amayrah Al-Balqa Applied University
  • Miyasar Alshora The World Islamic Science & Education University



Argumentative Discourse, Implicit, Directive, Allusive, Argumentative Links


This study deals with the structure of the argumentative discourse in Khalil Sakakini's letters that he sent to his son Sirri, who went to America to complete his university studies. The study began with illustrating the term "argumentative" linguistically and terminologically, then , it revealed the most important argumentative techniques that Al-Sakakini employed in his letters represented in " the implicit, directive and allusive linguistic strategies". After that, the most significant argumentative links were revealed, and they varied between necessity, causation, conflict and disagreement. This diversity in the structure of the argumentative discourse that Al-Sakakini followed confirms his ability to use the linguistic methods to persuade his son to continue the educational path in the in America.


Author Biographies

Hanan Amayrah, Al-Balqa Applied University





Miyasar Alshora, The World Islamic Science & Education University




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How to Cite

Amayrah, H., & Alshora, M. (2023). The Structure of the Argumentative Discourse in Khalil Al-Sakakini’s Letters to his Son (Sirri). Arts and Social Sciences Series, 2(1), 67–90.


