Political Sciences and Law Series https://journals.aabu.edu.jo/index.php/law <p>The second series of Al-Manara Journal for Research and Studies is the Political Sciences and Law Series. It is published quarterly, online and in print, by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Al al-Bayt University in accordance with internationally recognized standards of peer-reviewed journals. The series is concerned with publishing original and high-quality research papers in terms of content and form written in Arabic and English in different fields of political sciences and law. It is run by an independent international specialized scientific board of high competence and long experience in publishing and peer-reviewing research.</p> <p>The subject areas include the following fields:<br />- Legal Studies.<br />- Legal Studies in Comparison with Shari'a.<br />- Political Studies.<br />- International Relations.</p> Al al-Bayt University en-US Political Sciences and Law Series 2958-2598 The Legislative Guarantees for the Sufficiency of the House of Representatives in the Presidential and Parliamentary Systems' Formation “Jordan and The United States as a Model” https://journals.aabu.edu.jo/index.php/law/article/view/596 <p>This study indicates the importance of forming an elected council through a fair election and ensuring its composition representing all segments of society. This is achieved through a set of guarantees established by the parliamentary system, whether it is presidential or parliamentary. Therefore, the problem addressed in this study revolves around the sufficiency of legislative guarantees related to the formation of elected councils in presidential and parliamentary systems. As a result, this study examined the legislative guarantees for the effectiveness of the House of Representatives' formation in the parliamentary system, using Jordan as a model, and in the presidential parliamentary system, using the United States of America as a model. The researcher used the descriptive and comparative methodologies for the purposes of the study, which are suitable for this research. The study concluded with a series of findings and recommendations, including the observation that in Jordan, the management of the electoral process is entrusted to an independent entity, while in America, it is entrusted to legislative bodies in the states. Additionally, it was noted that the Jordanian legislator has expanded the categories from which the sorting and voting committees are composed. Consequently, a recommendation was made for the U.S. Congress to enact a law adopting an independent management approach to elections to ensure the integrity and transparency of the electoral process.</p> Khlaif Al-Zyoud Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-22 2024-07-22 3 2 127 148 10.59759/law.v3i2.596 The Restrictions Imposed on the Procedures for Amending the Constitution in the United Arab Emirates (A Comparative Study) https://journals.aabu.edu.jo/index.php/law/article/view/597 <p>The research aimed to identify the motives for amending the constitution, clarify the authority responsible for amendment and its scope, define the concept of amending the constitution and its motives, and the restrictions imposed on the procedures for amending the constitution in the United Arab Emirates. The research relied on the comparative analytical approach, by analyzing what the rules stipulated in the federal constitutional system in The United Arab Emirates, as well as the comparative constitutional systems. The research reached several results, the most important of which is that the federal constitution in the UAE falls within the framework of rigid constitutions, and that its rigidity is relative and not absolute. This is due to the fact that all of its provisions are subject to amendment, and there is no text in the UAE constitution that prohibits amending some of its provisions permanently or during a specific period of time. Therefore, it is permissible to amend the provisions of the UAE Constitution by following special procedures stipulated in the Constitution that differ from those by which ordinary laws and legislation are amended. Among these procedures is that the proposal to amend the constitution falls within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council of the Federation. Accordingly, the research recommended that the procedures for amending the constitution in the UAE should not begin except after a broad and in-depth discussion, meaning that the amendments should not be limited to a specific number of individuals, and citizens should be given an opportunity to express their opinion before starting the amendment<strong>.</strong></p> Talal Al Ansari Sam Dallah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-22 2024-07-22 3 2 149 175 10.59759/law.v3i2.597