Arts and Social Sciences Series <p>The third series of Al-Manara Journal for Research and Studies is the Arts and Social Sciences Series. It is published quarterly, online and in print, by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Al al-Bayt University in accordance with internationally recognized standards of peer-reviewed journals. The series is concerned with publishing original and high-quality research papers in terms of content and form written in Arabic and English in different fields of arts and social sciences. It is run by an independent international specialized scientific board of high competence and long experience in publishing and peer-reviewing research.</p> <p>The subject areas include the following fields:<br />- Arabic Language and Literature.<br />- English Language and Literature.<br />- History.<br />- Geography.<br />- Sociology.<br />- Media.<br />- Archaeology and Anthropology.<br />- Arts and Architecture.</p> en-US (Waleed Maabreh) (Ebtehal H.Omoush) Tue, 23 Jul 2024 08:45:52 +0200 OJS 60 The Image of Mafraq in the Geographers' and Travelers' Books and the Books of the Stations of Pilgrimage. (Since the Umayyad Era till the End of the Ottoman Era) <p>The cities and places located on the route of the pilgrims of the Levant were taken care of by Arab and Muslim geographers and travelers, their blogs included a description of their geographical nature and general conditions in terms of water resources and the availability of food, the fodder necessary to feed the animals, and the state of the roads that penetrate or pass next to it in terms of security and difficulty of passage and other things that the traveler should beware of such as thieves and bandits. The books of the pilgrimage also included brief statements aimed at serving the pilgrim and informing him of the route of the road and the conditions of the places located on it.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Mafraq (its ancient name: Al-Faddain) occupied an important place before Islam by being located on the ancient Sultanic road (Trajan's road). Its flat terrain contributed to making it a corridor preferred by travelers away from the desert routes to the East, and The Straits of the Ajloun mountains to the West.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This paper aims to trace the descriptions of Arab geographers and travelers about Mafraq (Al-Faddain) and note its presence in their writings and in the works of the pilgrimage stations, and to indicate their impressions of it and its geographical location.</p> Al-Mahdi Al-Rawadieh Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Analysing Population Geographical Distribution and their Density in Irbid Governorate by Using Geographical Information Systms <p>This study aims to determine the patterns of population distribution in Irbid Governorate, in the light of the results of the general population censuses for the years (2004,2015), and to indicate the extent of concentration and regularity in the population distribution at the level of the governorate and its administrative districts.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The study relied on a number of statistical methods to measure population concentrations in Irbid governorate, and to identify patterns of population distribution, to know the extent of concentration of the spatial phenomenon and the geographical factors influencing it.</p> <p>and the geographical factors affecting it, where population density indicators, the Lorenz gauge, and the concentration index were used to reach the objectives of the study.</p> <p>The research found that the districts of Irbid Governorate are characterized by low population density, with the exception of Al-Qasbah District and Bani Ubaid District, which are characterized by a high general population density. It was also found that the population distribution in all districts, except for Al-Qasbah District and Bani Ubaid District was closer to equality than to concentration. In addition, the natural environment and the multiplicity of natural regions play a prominent role in the distribution of population in the districts of Irbid Governorate. The study recommended the need to take population distribution into account when setting population plans and policies, and the various development programs for Irbid Governorate.</p> Hamza Bani Khaled Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Lover’s Joy for Being Named with a Self–Associated Authored by the chief justice Jamal al-Din Abi Al-Mahasin Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Abi Bakr al-Qurashi Al-abdiri Al-Shibi Al-Makki Al-Shafi'i, who died in (837 AH/1433 AD) (Investigation and Study) <p>The present study deals with the investigation and study of the book “Lover’s Joy for Being Named with a Self–Associate”, by the chief justice Jamal al-Din Abu Al-Mahasin Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Abi Bakr al-Qurashi Al-abdiri Al-Shibi Al-Makki Al-Shafi'i, who died in (837 AH/1433 AD). The book is delicate in its size, rare in its field, The author distinguished it by getting it translated by more than twenty famous figures who had nicknames related to their bodies either for a congenital defect in one of them, or for a congenital advantage that distinguished them from others, it is as well&nbsp; a second-to-none analog in our Arab heritage.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The nature of the research required it to come in two sections, first: the study; it came in two chapters, where in the first one the author was highlighted, and in the second we studied the book. The second section is the verified text, followed by a list of sources and references to which we have returned.</p> Raed Almhirat, Rad Alkhrisha Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200 The Fatimid State in ALMaqrizi's Al-Mawaez wa ALatebar Bzker Alkotat wa ALathar (845 A.H/1441 A.D) <p>This study attempts to investigate Al-Maqrizi’s sources in his book Al-Mawaez wa Alatebar by examining the sources related to the Fatimid state, as it is assumed that the sources of the Fatimid state have a special importance that stems from the importance and specificity of their study.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The methodology of the study was based on inventorying Al-Maqrizi’s material, and monitoring the most important sources that he revealed, after the researcher made an approach to classify the material to facilitate the study, and reveal the specificity of the author’s effort in studying the Fatimid state. It became clear that the type of material he deals with requires benefiting from certain sources made available to Al-Maqrizi sometimes, which was reflected in the value of the material he provided for Fatimid history. Al-Maqrizi's keenness to present a comprehensive picture of the state was clearly evident, in terms of presenting novels specialized in their subject as primary sources, and he was distinguished by providing information from his knowledge that added importance to the value of his material. The study concluded that he selected his novels from sources of value in their subject matter, yet he even interfered in evaluating some sources, whether primary or secondary.</p> Fawzi Tawwahia Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200 The Arab Islamic City: Building the True Religion <p>This research aims to find correspondence between the principles of religion and their synonyms at the level of planning and architecture. It monitors the teachings of&nbsp; the true religion by tracing the built environment in the Arab Islamic city. &nbsp;&nbsp;It followed the descriptive analytical approach by looking at urban planning and architecture, and the corresponding Qur’anic verses and Prophetic Hadiths. The problem of the research lies in proving that Islam has harnessed planning and architecture to create an urban space to house its followers and implement its laws on the ground. The research hypothesis is that this city is specific to Islam, as it bears its name and is located within its geography. This research resulted in the fact that the city is essential to the true religion, and it presents it to the world as a living model of the Muslim nation, as it represents his method of calling to God Almighty, and this is unique in the history of cities and religions. It came as a result consistent with the fact that Islam is essentially a religion of civilization, and its city is considered an embodiment of its teachings. In his article, “Islam and Civilization”, Georges Marçais emphasizes that Islam only appeared in a civilized society, and that the city is necessary for the implementation of Islamic rituals, especially congregational prayer. He says: In the city, one finds the virtues of Islam represented by mosques, schools, and other facilities.</p> Mohammed Abu Hussein Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200