Arts and Social Sciences Series 2024-12-18T11:38:51+02:00 Waleed Maabreh Open Journal Systems <p>The third series of Al-Manara Journal for Research and Studies is the Arts and Social Sciences Series. It is published quarterly, online and in print, by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Al al-Bayt University in accordance with internationally recognized standards of peer-reviewed journals. The series is concerned with publishing original and high-quality research papers in terms of content and form written in Arabic and English in different fields of arts and social sciences. It is run by an independent international specialized scientific board of high competence and long experience in publishing and peer-reviewing research.</p> <p>The subject areas include the following fields:<br />- Arabic Language and Literature.<br />- English Language and Literature.<br />- History.<br />- Geography.<br />- Sociology.<br />- Media.<br />- Archaeology and Anthropology.<br />- Arts and Architecture.</p> Geographical Analysis of the Economic Characteristics of the Population in Jordan from 2015 to 2022 2024-05-18T15:30:17+02:00 Hind Alsarayreh Ahmed Thneibat <p>This study focuses on analyzing the characteristics of the economic composition of a diverse group in the Kingdom for the years from 2015 to 2022 with a focus on the year 2022. This was done by using some indicators and determining economic rates regarding the labor force and unemployment at the level of governorates, the level of age and nationality groups as well. It is clear from the study that the crude economic activity rate at the Kingdom level is 12.6%, which is low compared to the global rate, which is 50%, as well as to the activity rate of the developing countries, which is 44%. As for the rate of crude activity for males, it is 24.3%, which is significantly greater than the economic activity rate for females, which is 7.3%. It also appears that with regard to economic activity, the largest percentage is the third group which includes trade, transportation, communications, and storage which amounts to 81.4%, while the second group which includes manufacturing, electricity, water and construction industries that amounts to 16.8% while the first group including agricultural activities amounts to 1.8%.</p> 2024-12-18T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Arts and Social Sciences Series The Effect of the Population Growth on Urban Sprawl in Ramtha City by Using Remote Sensing Applications and Geographical Information Systems 2024-02-04T20:41:56+02:00 Hamza Bani Khaled Faisal Almayouf Ayed Taran <p>This study seeks to determine the proportion and numbers of population in Ramtha city, and to analyze satellite images (LANDSAT) to know the spatial distribution of urban areas in Ramtha city and their developments during during the study period from (2010-2022). The study is based on a number of diverse statistical provinces to find out the rates and averages of changes in the number of population, the patterns of urban sprawl as well as the change in the distribution of urban in order to achieve the objectives of the study.</p> <p> The research concluded that the natural increase and the Syrian refugee and migration movements have a fundamental role in increasing the population numbers and population density therein, and that this increase has a direct impact on the increase in urban sprawl and the expansion of urban areas in the various neighborhoods in Ramtha city, and that the correlation between population changes and the change in Urban areas indicate a strong direct correlation between these two factors, with the correlation coefficient reaching <strong>r </strong>= (0.925). The study also recommended the necessity of developing a comprehensive plan for Ramtha city that takes into account directing the urban policy in the correct manner, and exploiting the potentials and resources of the regions in an optimal manner.</p> 2024-12-18T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Arts and Social Sciences Series